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My Way....

Waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 1.25am ketika satu persatu tugas mata kuliah diselesaikan. Rasa kantuk pun telah hilang, sebab sudah beberapa kali menunda waktu tidur dengan sengaja mengazamkan diri "harus menyelesaikan tugas sebelum deadline tiba". Alhamdulillah...

Sampai paragraf kedua ini ditulis, jarum panjang telah menggeserkan dirinya ke arah angka 10 yang berarti jam 2 akan segera tiba 10 menit lagi. Tidak bermaksud memaksakan diri untuk tidak tidur, namun fikiran saya masih bekerja dan hati masih rasa bertanya-tanya pada banyak hal yang telah saya lampaui setelah 20 tahun lamanya bernafas di dunia. Saya masih terus bertanya apakah saya sudah cukup bermanfaat untuk orang sekitar saya? Selekat apa kedudukan Allah di qalbu saya? Cinta yang mana yang saya kerahkan untuk ummi, abi, dan ikhwah di sekeliling saya? 

Jarum panjang jam di dinding masih terus berdetik ketika seorang Maya Nasri berkebangsaan Timur Tengah menghantarkan lantunan lagunya berjudul Ruh. Cukup menyejukkan jiwa, namun sontak menyindir diri saya ketika dipaksa harus berproyeksi pada laku yang telah di buat. Ketika ruh akan mulai tercabut dan terpisah dari jasadnya, maka tak akan ada lagi yang bisa diperbuat di dunia, kecuali orang-orang disekitar kita menghantarkan kita pada ruang tergelap tertutup tanah, berteman makhluk tanah dan lembabnya hawa disana. Kali ini fikir saya semakin teraduk-aduk, men-stirr rasa malu yang terus berkecamuk.

Teringat laku diri, siang tadi seorang ikhwah berkata lewat pesan singkatnya, "Ukhti, coba deh doing something uncomfortable zone, hehe..."
Perkataan itu masih tersimpan baik bahkan hingga detik ini kata-kata itu masih memenuhi rongga fikir untuk dimuhasabah lebih jauh.

Benar memang perkataannya, jika saya renungkan, selama ini saya memang hidup dalam kemudahan. Allah terlalu baik, dan sayangnya saya masih jua terlena akan kemudahan itu. Mengeja akan rententan kehidupan saya, beliau memang berkata dengan sesungguhnya keadaan. Sejak kecil hingga saat ini, saya selalu hidup dalam keberlimpahan kasih sayang Ummi dan Abi, terlebih-lebih ketika Abi telah berpulang, Ummi semakin memanjakan saya dengan kasih sayang yang tiada tara. Tentu bukan konteks material semata masalahnya, sebab Ummi dan Abi saya adalah orang yang strict terhadap kesahajaan. Hal itu yang terus terbawa hingga saat ini. Ketika memasuki dunia pendidikan, Ummi adalah orang pertama yang memaklumi saya yang bangga dengan ranking ke 10. Beliau pula orang pertama yang memberikan senyuman  atas persepsi polos saya. Dahulu sekali, ketika sistem caturwulan masih berlaku, dan ketika saya mulai mengenal bangku sekolah, saya sangat menginginkan urutan ke 10 ada pada baris peringkat di buku laporan hasil belajar siswa.

Namun, ketika tahu hal yang seharusnya, maka di cawu selanjutnya saya mengejar ketertinggalan dan berusaha menghapus angka 0 disebelah kanan angka 1. Tujuan itu tercapai. Tentu atas ijin Allah. Ummi pernah bilang, saya adalah seorang perempuan tipe "goal oriented". Betul memang, saya tak akan berhenti berusaha sampai keinginan saya tercapai. Disamping itu, ada ummi yang senantiasa membebaskan saya dari pekerjaan rumah dengan tujuan agar saya bisa belajar sepanjang waktu dengan kepuasan hati saya. Tentu ini menjadi kesenangan tertinggi untuk saya, mengurung diri sepanjang waktu didalam kamar. Memang peringkat 1 itu terus berlanjut hingga saya lulus Madrasah Tsanawiyah.


The Principles of Language Teaching and Learning

Language teaching and learning deal with many factors in principles. This may cause several questions related to it. Before we understand on the principles of language teaching and learning, we must know about language learning. What do we know about language learning? In outside of context any classroom, all children who are repeatedly exposed to a language will in normal circumstances learn it (Jeremy Harmer, 2002:24). Basically, the children who learn a language, they will do unconsciously rather than a form a study. And adults who learn language without studying, they will be able to use language. In one side, it will be a point that sometimes they still have more trouble in pronunciation and grammar, but at least they still able communicate fluently than younger learners.

And still in Harmer’s state, the students who learn and acquire language in outside classroom, they will share certain similarities in their learning experiences. It is caused of they are usually exposed to language that they more or less understand, and they are also motivated to learn the language in order to be able to communicate and the last they are given a chance to use the language they are learning.

Knowing the Learners and Teacher's Role

In the process teaching and learning, there are so many useful activities that we can take it from it. Everyone there has the different roles. The teacher has roles as the teacher, and the learner has roles as the learners. But, how we can know their roles? To understand more about the learners and teachers’ roles, I recently have five questions that related to it.
Actually, what are the teacher’s roles in the classroom? From Harmer’s studies about his interested to know what people responses in the topic of how to be a good teacher. These all answers can representative generally what are the teacher’s roles from their best deed in the classroom. Harmer in his book How to Teach English (2007, p 1) said that the teachers role in the classroom not only have an affinity from the teacher and the students. But, the teacher also has many roles others. In one side from his study about this topic, said that the teacher also has role as an entertainer in positive sense, not in negative sense. In other words, the teacher can make the students enjoy being entertained and amused (p.2). Still in his book, the teacher also should become parent and friend for their leraner. Here, the teacher is demanded to be a person who love their students like as the parent to their children. But, in the other side, the teacher are also demanded to be a nice friend to their student who can be empathy to their friend’s problem.

Report of Teaching Reading and Writing

Language teaching deals with many aspects interactive and integrated approaches to emphasize the relationship of skills. We must know that reading ability will be developed best in association with writing, listening, and speaking activities. Even the labelling “Reading” skill must be interrelationship of skill especially in reading-writing (Brown, 2002:298). Based on my reading of that book, I have to put forward five questions for it.

My first question, I propose the question about how the research on reading in second language, particularly in bottom-up and top-down processing. To answer my question, I red a book by Brown (2002), he wrote that research on reading in second language was almost nonexistent in the 1970s. At the time, the research about first reading had been flourishing to find why some children could not read. Then, after three decades, the research reveals some significant finding for teaching reading in second language.

Learning through Stories

In learning language, there are some approaches to make the children as learners gather the target language. One of the approaches is through a story.  Cameron (2001) said that stories as the holistic approaches to language teaching and learning. And to answer some question about learning through stories, I try to hold a Cameron’s book as a basic knowledge about that.

For the first question that was proposed; do you think stories can be used to help children learn English? In this case, I fully believe that stories can be used to help children to learn English. We can know how important and useful the use of stories by analyzing from the examining the text in the story and analyzing the discourse organization of stories, and also the language that is used in the stories. In learning English through stories the process involving and even improving the students’ skills. Here, like as story telling is an oral activity and it has a shape they do because they are designed to be listened to and participate in. And as we know, in oral activity there are two process; receptive skill and productive skill. For the example in the class situation; the teacher bring a book story to the class, then s/he tells a story to the children by using English. When the teacher tells the story and the students pay attention to it, it was a process of receptive skill. And after that, when the teacher doing communicating to the students by asking e.g “than, what happen next” or even asking them, “Who is wear the red gloves?” it evokes the students to answer and speak in English, and it is a productive skill. In other case, the teacher can use other words that have same similar consonants (alliteration) to make the students learn the new words in English. From these my arguments, I believe that stories can help the children to learn English. Wright also adds that stories are frequently claimed to bring many benefits to young learners (1997), while Bettelheim said that stories can serve as metaphors for society or for our deepest psyche (1976).


Waiting Time

Menunggu satu hal yang harusnya pasti, tapi kini malah menjadi mengawang-awang. Setengah jam dalam perjalanan berharap I will be the best in the presentation at 3pm. Hufft.. It may be only a hope, because until this time, there is no people others, except me and 1 of my friend.

Waiting for the another time...

Until 3.45, there are no people except us. So, my question is, jadi gak sih, saya kan udah siap banget nih mau presentasi... :( --masyaallah, takabur banget deh--
Padahal udah baca postingan seseorang tentang kiat menghalau nervous, ya Rabbi...

Hhh...Jadi, ayamku??? eh, Jadi, nasibku???