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Cross-cultural Contact with American

American, in its term might be defined from how long of time they spend their live in United Stated. Actually we need to analyze further more about definition of American, because sometimes it term makes confusing. In many cases caused of the type of American and continent of America, the use term of American just for represents or labeling someone who lives in United Stated, all at once makes easy the use word American, not United Statesian.

Description of American is something to be an important matter considering the generalization of them, nevertheless the use word “generalize” might be not received by some people. Because, all Americans come from different immigrant and refugee groups (Levin, Adelman: p.7). So that, they also have heritage that come from cultural diversity from those refugee. It means, in America there is multiculturalism style. Refers to the condition in Indonesia, we can take the sample how multicultural Indonesian is. It can be adequate with American condition that is built from diversity cultures of refugee, just like from Mexican-American, Canadian-American, and so on so forth. But, in Indonesia, the diversity cultures might be does not come from the refugee at all, but it is caused from the variation of regions or the socio-cultural condition in this country (Azyumardi Azra: 2007). Here, we can take the important point here about the congruity in multiculturalism.

The multiculturalism sometimes delivers more like melting pot or more like mosaic. Those terms represent the conceptualizing way diversity in multiculturalism. Then has defined as the condition where the cultures diversity fuses or not when they exist together. In America, there are two view points of it. In the middle of 1900s, they were described as melting pot. While, in the 1970s and 1980 was described as mosaic (Levin, Adelman: p.8)In this era, the terms of Mexican-American, Asian-American, Arab-American, Jewish-American, African-American has fit together and proudly display their distinct cultures without throw away their cultures identity.

The stereotypes in America explained about beliefs and images of American and will be generalized as the view point of American in the world. But, sometimes it might be possible and impossible to generalize the culture of American. It depends on the condition that we find in the reality. However, we have to aware that not all people fit within the generalization. Just like in sample, nowadays, mass media shows African-American as entertainers, athletes, or criminals. And in Arab, mass media shows them as wealthy sheik or terrorism (Levin, Adelman: p.10). But, it depends on paradigm of society. Sometimes those stereotypes become unproved when we come to the real condition in those countries. Not all of them do the same way in their life. In American case, we need to increase our sensitiveness to many ethnic groups.

From those stereotypes, mainstream Americans values draw so many behaviors. But, before it, we need to understand Americans values to understand Americans behavior. American values just like personal control over the environment, changing, control the time, equality and egalitarianism, individualism and privacy, and more other values also has contrasting value which we do not really know in the reality. In other words, we do not judge them as the rigid value, because in many times American values might be different from the stereotypes that were shown by mass media.

We can pick one of them in the case of individualism and privacy, those values affect many aspects of typically American behavior and attitude that might become foreigner does not understand how American defines the privacy itself (Levin, Adelman: p.14). Individualism itself, Americans define it as the freedom to choose their own way, makes their own decision, based on their own criteria, as well as the responsibility to accept consequences personally (Cathy Douglass, 2002). Just like American values, the privacy also empashized because everyone feel need to be respected by others.

Azra, Azyumardi. 2007. Identitas dan Krisis Budaya, Membangun Mutikulturalisme Indonesia. Depok: FE Universitas Indonesia.
Levine.R.Deena and Mara.B.Adelman. 1993. Beyond Language: Cross Cultural Communication. 2nd Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regence.

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